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Monday, June 12, 2006

Syukur Dengan Apa yang Ada

Seringkali kita merasa dukacita apabila sesuatu yang kita kehendaki tidak diperolehi. Kita sering beranggapan bahawa setiap apa yang kita kehendaki itu adalah hak mutlak kita. Malanglah sekali kalau ini menjadi pegangan kita. Kita sebaiknya boleh menerima hakikat yang berlaku dan cuba memperbaiki keadaan dengan jalan yang baik.

Kalau kita membandingkan betapa bertuahnya kita di negeri ini dengan segala kebebasan dan kesejahteraan dengan banyak negeri lain dalam dunia ini, kita akan dapati bahawa kita hidup di dalam serba kemewahan. Maka kita mestilah bersyukur. Siapakah yang lebih mulia di antara yang berada dengan yang tidak?

Kemarin di kotamu, ketika aku meluncur
dari Garden Palace Hotel menyergam
dengan kot canggih
membalut perut boyotku,
kulihat seorang perempuan
mengendong bayi di tepi longkang
berkaki ayam
berpakaian robek.

Di tangan perempuan semangkuk bubur.
Suaminya di mana?

Antara hotel mewah dan longkang kotor,
kot dan baju robek,
perut boyot dan semangkuk bubur,
tidak pasti aku
yang mana lebih mulia?

Selamat tinggal kota kejam,
aku ingin pulang ke kampung.
Akan kuingati riuhmu
dengan hati yang sepi.


Blogger ... ... ... ... ... ... nik elin said...

As I type this, I am glancing at the swimming pool. I am watching over my
kids have a wonderful time in the pool, laughing and playing, and having
lots of fun.

"Hamba bersyukur kepada nikmatMu, ya Allah!"
Yes, I have indeed been truly blessed in my life. Alhamdullillah....

But I just came back from Jakarta last night. I came back with a mixed bag of
emotions. It wasn't my first trip to Indonesia. I was in Bali with the whole
family for a week in September 2001. Truly enjoyed ourselves. Lovely place
to holiday. Last year I was in Medan. A lot of shopping for hubby and me....
And yes, I have travelled across the globe many times over.

But never once has my vacation been so immensely emotional. When I got to Jakarta, we stayed next to the Atrium.
Things were very much normal there.
But when my mum suggested that we really see Indonesia, we were nonetheless
unprepared for what was to come. My hubby suggested that we take the car to sight-see.
It was indeed, a sight to see.

It is hard to believe the poverty level there.
People walking in the streets with baby in arm in hot and rain and in the long cold night.
Young children peddling anything. Transvestites trying to earn their keep.
There were just too many of them. They had open aired homes.
Some had sheltered themselves with paper box houses.

I prayed and prayed so hard that night that I cried until I got sick.
My hubby thought I was being too carried away. Yes, I am emotional.

And as selfish as it may seem, I prayed that none of my childrens children or any of my generation have to go through what I saw.
But these were our neighbours and there were just too many for anyone to help.

I thought Kelantan had many poor people but now I am thankful and
feel truly blessed that we are so much better off than them here in Malaysia.

But how can I "bersyukur" or be thankful, when there are others
who are at the other side of your praise to Allah?

This is life? That some have it and some don't? How do they feel bersyukur?
If only we had a life that was so peaceful for everyone......
Where can I find a place so peaceful for everyone?

Wed Jun 14, 11:56:00 AM  
Blogger hashim yaacob said...

Yes, this is life. Real as life. Yes, some have it some don't and that is what life is all about.
I do not know what bersyukur means to them. I shall try to find out. Yes, if only we had. But we might have it if we only strive for it. On this earth where are everyone holds the Golden Rule: Do unto others what you like done unto you.

Wed Jun 14, 06:43:00 PM  

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